Caleb tackled multiplication, fractions, long division and subject matter in science and social studies that I don't think I even knew about till 6th grade. I still am taken back when Cae nonchalantly reads everything in site, as I remember " Oh yeah he can read now!" And honestly I've been amazed by the artwork he brings home. I wish I could bottle his excitement for learning for his middle and high school years!
And little Colt ... well we are still working on potty training ( yes he is over 3 years old). But at least we got rid of the pacifier and graduated to sharing brothers' room and sleeping in a twin bed. I have cherished just the 2 of us spending each day in his 3 year old world, while big brothers were at school. As tag along for all brothers' school and soccer activities, I joke he's " our mascot". But in reality he's already big man on East Side Elementary campus. Strutting down the halls all the boys are giving him " high fives" and girls are hugging him, " He's soooo cute!"
We are finishing the year out strong with Field Days, school Marathon , Zoo and Aquarium field trips, Strawberry picking, end-of-year class parties and picnics, school art shows, end-of-season soccer games and celebrations, tournaments and awards. And oh yeah in the midst of it all I even squeezed in a Girls' Beach Trip thanks to Shawn ( and Nonna) who took on our boys' May madness for a few Mother's Day gift ever!
It's not even the end of May yet...I seem to look forward to summer more and more each year!