Happy 8th Birthday Caelan!
Dear Mrs. ________,
I know you are going to fall in love with our “ Cae Bug”
this year, because all his teachers have so far!!
Cae walked through
the front doors of school on Tiger Day, opened his arms wide and said, “ Home
Sweet Home” sarcastically with a huge grin on his face. It’s moment like these
that happen with Cae that makes us laugh out loud over and over again. He is hilarious and full
of unexpected one liners that will go right over your head if you miss them. He
remembers lines from movies and songs from months and months ago. He will burst
out in a monologue or dance spontaneously, while he thinks no one is
looking. Cae does not have a show off, class clown,
center-of-attention humor ( That would be Colt...watch out in a couple years!).
You have to be present with Cae, catch him in the moment and he will steal your
I went into” real” labor with Cae for over a day only to
have my labor stop and go back home. He was born within a few hours over 2 days
later. I share his birth story because it explains him perfectly .He came into
this world “ on his own terms” and has
continued to do almost everything else the same way. When I was trying to get
him to write his name for the first time because I knew he could, he refused. Then
I caught him almost a week later writing it over and over perfectly all by
himself. He did the same thing with riding a bike the 1st time,
reading and playing sports.
Over spring break this
year Shawn walked over to Cae on the beach and found him writing “ HAPPY” in
the sand. This photo he took says it all. He is genuinely a happy-go-lucky,
go-with-the-flow child. It doesn’t take much to bring him joy, real full joy. He has a gift of contentment and peace which
he brings to all those around him. I’m
sure this is why he seems to attract so many friends. In Kindergarten I watched
child after child run up to Cae
on the playground. He would stop running around, bend down and tie their shoes.
When I asked the teacher, she said he
was “ the official shoe tier” . Poor
thing hardly was having time to play because he was so busy taking care of everyone’s shoe situation, yet
he didn’t seem to mind at all. Cae has always been affectionate, loving, kind ,
easy and accepting. That is when he
wants to be!!!
I could probably write hundreds of stories and share so many
more moments we’ve had with Cae. But now we get share him with you and hear
about all the moments and stories ( good and bad I’m sure!) he’ll create with
you and all his friends, old and new, in 2nd grade.
God created something special when he brought Caelan into
our family over 8 years ago. We pray Cae will bless you and the class this year
with all his amazing gifts and huge heart as well.
Love, The Reuters
Shawn, Angie, Caleb and Colt