Wednesday, October 24, 2012

" What Do You Paint?"

 Artists have always been taught to paint by studying and repainting  the masterpieces of artists before them. So when I see a sky painted only by the hand of God , what greater masterpiece is there to attempt? Some  find landscapes, seascapes and skyscapes mundane, but they never lose my interest. Just watching a sunset is a series of a hundred paintings. Each minute of light change creates an entire new palette.  I will ever exhaust paintings  inspired by sky and sea.

"What do you paint?" I should have a prepared answer in mind that rolls off my tongue considering how many times over the past 15 years I've been asked this. Still I never seem to know exactly what to say. All I can go on is what I'm painting at the moment because my subject matter has varied so over the years. But my heart has always been the coast.

My feet hit the sand and I see the first reflection of light across the water.  Then there's the sounds without all the noise. You know when the crashing waves and wind are so loud you can't hear anything else except for the conversation right next to you in the moment. It's the stillness and calm, yet the mighty and awe invoking reverence of power and strength,  at the shore's edge.  Perspective alters, problems seem a lot smaller next to this  vast expanse. You are reminded how BIG this world is and how small you are. It's walking humbly with God- total dependence on Him.  How can I not place all my cares and concerns  into the same palm of  hand of who created and beholds ALL this glory. If  He can bring the tiniest of shells in perfection  to shore by the fiercest waves I know He can carry me. For a moment a  curtain is peeled open and I catch a sliver of eternity.

There are places all over this world I know  moments like these  happen I've yet to see. I'm sure you will be seeing a series of desert and mountains from Angie Reuter one day, even if I'm 60!