Labor day cook outs, pools officially closed, and I've had a bit of " back-to-school" blues. My 5 year old jumped on the bus for his first day of Kindergarten with barely a glance back. He was too excited to see for himself all the stories he had only heard from big brother. But the bus pulled off leaving me "feeling a little hollow". Grateful though I still have a little guy asleep in his crib. I know the hardest 1st day of Kindergarten is yet to come in a few years. I walk back inside the house and pick up a brush and paint and paint. With each stroke I find the " feeling a little hollow" is filling with excitement of fall's adventures to come- theirs, and mine. A new season is upon us all.
Another reason I paint. It punctuates my life. Wringing out each minute of my day with each drop of paint ( Better than wringing little necks!). I paint in our dining room where everyone runs through the house, out the back doors or into the kitchen. I used to go to the studio hours upon hours to paint in college, where I would have to turn on music because of the silence. Now I paint in the midst of a flurry of activity and noise, oh so much noise. Spending hours upon hours living with only interrupted moments to paint. Moments, I can hold back the hands of the clock and suspend the busyness of life - at least for a minute or two. I think on where we have been, blessed,very blessed and look forward faithfully to where we are going.
Is summer really over?" one of the boys had asked. " Yes- kind of " hesitantly I answered. Trying to make the summer season last just a little longer by stretching out my words. But I can't keep those calendar pages from turning like I can't keep those leaves from falling off the trees onto my back deck! Summer may go but fall always comes. May this fall find you , where it finds me.... with a painting.
" Brothers' First day of School"
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