I admitted when I started this blog that I'm not a blogger. And my goal was to post only once a month as to not set myself up for failure. Yet I'm already 5 months into this with only 3 posts! So not only have I disappointed myself but feel horrible thinking I've left you all to believe I'm still in " Back-to School Blues" at the end of October. You will be happy to know yes- I have moved on and am in the throes of Fall Frenzy! We have multiple ongoing soccer games and practices. Cae turned 6 years old and celebrated with a campout at the lake. And we are in the midst of numerous school fall festivities and activities. I don't have time to stay blue for too long!
" Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might,..." Ecclesiastes 9:10
Today my hands made Pumpkin Bread for the boys' teachers at school while I drank a yummy Starbuck's " Salted Mocha Something or Other" for the first time this fall. And I can officially say it's fall not just because the leaves are turning , pumpkins are out and Starbuck's has changed their seasonal menu. But because I made Mom's Pumpkin Bread recipe for the first time this year and my heart is changing.
The yoga instructor announced " 10 weeks till Christmas! " and I have to admit I cringed a little. Who doesn't look back and think where did that year go and see all we didn't accomplish that maybe we set out to do? And think will I get it all done in only ten weeks?
" So now finish doing it as well, so that your readiness in desiring it may be matched by your completing it out of what you have. For if the readiness is there, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have." 2 Corinthians 8:11-12
Reminded of all the desires I set out upon this year and all the times I fight not to abandon them in my heart. Like writing this blog, starting a new painting, doing more paintings, finishing a project around the house, continuing the Book Club I started, better parenting habits ...the list goes on and on. They seem menial on a level yet I'm convicted of procrastination, writer's block, artist block, fear of failure, fear of succeeding... whatever I want to call it.
I realize that I'm a steward of what I do with the desires of my heart, if He places them there. And I'm guilty of using all " the things I don't have" as an excuse in not fulfilling them whether I realize it or not. Daily I come to Him with the list of what I don't have and He sweetly exchanges it for the list of ALL that I do have. And gently reminds me, " It's acceptable. Now do it!"
So tomorrow I will start a new painting and be able to look at the blank canvas and pray that my "readiness in desiring may be matched by the completing it of what I do have". I will write a new post without as much apprehension and take on that new project with a little more confidence and ease. He never requires of us what we don't have. But He does require ALL of what we do have and that is much much more than any of us realize. So I don't need to focus on doing more than what is in my hands to do but on giving Him more of what He has already placed in them.
And I'm finding how all these bigger desires of my mine are being fulfilled as I pursue with my whole heart what He gives my hands to do daily in the little things, like making Pumpkin Bread.

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